Monday, August 11, 2014

The Start of a Journey

Life to me is an adventure, a learning experience, a place to grow and a place to expand. A place to dream. A place to feel. I am absolutely fascinated with life and everything in it. Including you. People fascinate me. Travel is my love. New experiences are always what I'm after. I love art in every form. I love to sing, dance, dream, play, imagine, write, learn, read, interact, create. I love to direct and produce. I suppose I'm most "known" for acting. I've been acting since I was 14. I'm 26 now. And I feel like life is just beginning, because of different attitudes I'm adopting about myself and the world around me. You may know me from Disney's Cory in the House, or Vampire Diaries, Switched at Birth, Desperate Housewives, The Starving Games, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, etc... I also sing and write my own songs, and perform with a group of incredibly talented Dreamers. I'm sentimental. I like poetry. I like digging into human emotion, why we do what we do. I refuse to put myself in a box.  I get insecure. I make mistakes on a daily basis. I get scared shitless all the time. But I jump anyways! I have amazing friends and I try not to take myself too seriously.  And I care deeply about humanity, for whatever reason it's ingrained in my bones, and though it's not always easy caring about a species that can be so apathetic and unkind to one another, I wouldn't have it any other way. This blog will explore my journeys through over 18 countries, my love of art and food, and the things that make us human. Enjoy :)


  1. Great, I'm looking forward to this! Your openness to new is simply contagious

  2. really nice words. keep going :D
